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Interdef Escroe system added:

I am adding this too, should be at page bottom cause was added later, but certainly an escroe info system added.

Realism sensor for when get too generic: a program for this of getting you back to real, in fact nicotine is the mildest of metabolic niacin mimic hallucinogens. It's a NEED too.This reality sensing.

I tested this once while had schizo cancer, but nicotine cranked did go towards hallucinogenic.but it cannot be seen in general public use.

all about biases.

I assume nationism is not an actual word, but there isn't one. I don't think nationalism fts-->

Sounds slightly moronic at the moment, but all new words do.

sounds devolved. certainly having a word invented for nation hating or nation dislike or even milder is not around at the moment, and it has to be invented. nationalism is defined as:

"patriotic feeling, principles or effort" from wikipedia.


there is no backwards word, (so typical, from history)

only the forwards word. But you won't be hearing it in any UN speeches too soon I guess, for fear of sounding idiotic.

perhaps nation-ism would be better, and is a pause between the word and suffix when speaking it verbally, at least while still forming in peoples minds for ten years say. But does not mean anti-patriotism, but rather an inference on the nation hating ism like race-ism or other ism's. to be a word in language that can be used. I am sure peace could never be achieved without word invention clarity of this word being on the negative.Otherwise it's cyclic of speech, instead of I/O. or I/O/-I


I'll just stick this here, it is very potentially the reasoning.

the pro of this site is gonna be way too anal to enhearten people anyway, along correct emototionality cad based lines

I hope north korea does not think this site was just formed for them, honestly it wasn't. It was for superpower nukes too. really.


Those guys over there are sovereignty insane. but with their great leader changing his mind in an inkling moment, as happens with the royalties. maybe north korea would indeed join interdef.

They are just nuts those royalties, of re-decisoning.

they are certainly very proud people, . I reckon I got hacked, prob bombed up as a soverignty insult, against US, from this interdef idea.I guess pride, and in this way is to be admired a touch. If not just overheading coward against south korea, of nuke weapon overlord, for unhealthy competition overlording.

bloody defence analysts.

they might be a touch worried about me if they hacked my hdeath crap too.




in the Future

A WMD control system for

everyones future, and may be able to remove threats of world war one day, so that the future is run with proper intelligent organisation in relation to such dangerous weapons, and with a new respect for countries citizens, who can be killed without a  vote, and sometimes unknowingly while eating dinner.

Post parallel thought military planning to true systematic view based contextual vote planning

PS and maybe a system for heroic wars vs these weapons of kill even non hater.

parallel thinking could be out, this new modal could be in.

For a long term "HARD-CONTROL"* system for a properly control-ed and control-able nuclear, biological, nanotechnological, informatico and cyberwarfare future method
*(refer to uninvented terms for social hard locked systems but similar to hard-coded term possibly (but not about code at all, and this system isn't)types of terms (hard-social?) just uninvented terms yet): DEFINITION: A PERMANENTLY LOCKED IN SYSTEM ESSENTIALLY, but term maybe can be called "hard-control systems" and I suppose it must be international hard control for it to be hard control at all, because hard-control is meant to permanence it forever. 



Fomation of an"Interdef" round table, similar to the UN parliaments, and consisting of one to two representative generals from each country in the world, with the aim of forming an international control and check system of all world military nuclear, biological, nanotechnological, and informatico/cyber warfare capabilities, by dubbed communication lines between and within militaries worldwide.

And with the new aim to care for all world citizens, and no longer any puppeting/threat to any citizens external to a country nor within from anothers by Weapons of mass destruction, and with respect for these citizens.And also with the aim of controlling terrorist activities involving any weapon of mass destruction, in the strict sense of a WMD meaning such weapons as those above,(and not things relating to the term used loosely by various news agencies

in recent years).


New high brass military badges for those taking on the militaries of the world, and something suitable. 

A round table like this, or a big table to sit around that is a full table

Or a larger room like this for debating/whiteboard edu/planning

from all the generals at once

Political Chamber Consists of debating,planning,voting,combined

I hope jong un , or now jong il, they realise it is not really about them, and they are welcome in, as in non negative towards them, although could appear to be from the timing of it. It is something generic that HAS to happen.


On the generic:


ps also interdef is for precontrol by sci research of say nanotech scientists of don't make mistakes by AFM video and shit, and the methods for controlling mistakes at research level also, of escpaed stuff, logs and video and things, is no less impt. than terrorism.

Hopefully interdef can open up privacy failures in wars in relation to secret developments in these areas also. so just non sci fail, non terrorism, non war use of, and also control methods in case something does happen are researched and invented, to dimensionally clean control parameters, code cleared and tested, in scientific test boxes as well as mapping and shit.

kind of like skinner boxes for accidents, but they can be digi boxes mostly.

Also need compare cad of say what can happen with nanotech in different conditions, vs the base conditions were designed for, and shit like bacteria can pick them up, so yeh a more global care parametry cad that can work for full safety.(global in cad means all encompassing, and this is what this means,conditions never thought of before, say for real world stuff and things unconsidered of types of earth etc. or whatever virus or bacterial pickup), so becomes generically safe for real world conditions or outbreaks by virus anywhere or anyhow. Might need big data program with a new scaner device for earth geology, shit like this, or bacterial scanner, of terahertz say that can work holo. plus same scanner can zap generically backwards).

def must start up a generic scan and zap nanotech device as a first, with accuracy increase with time.

Industry 01
Industry 02
Industry 03
Industry 05
Industry 04

Reasons its better than the current system

Anything new is good considering the problem has not been solved.


Can work better than the UN security council/NATO combination.


All countries leaders give 1-2 generals


Even non members to the UN nuclear disarmament pact have a vote in it.

Might help for the big superpowers to form something international that works.


Is about disarmament, but is done through military planning, and overriding(eventually) military control of these weapons in parallel.

Also Interdef may gain its own anti missile systems used in conjunction, and various higher technologies than the militaries have as to aid its mission.


Should provide control prior to disarmament as well, which is the needed step. The MISSING STEP.


Combines diplomacy and military planning in one system




Mutually assured destruction.

what about our asses, our civilian voting?

fuck you, you got interdef now. but you fuckers.

Additional Notes:


Rep rotate system security

Well in my mind, morning has broken on a new age with interdef if it gets done, But these gutys are on old earth crytal radio link oscillator cad. maybe we can change that.. Maybe liek the UN thing but with some power mil balls added.. and nato can fuck off as the central processor.hanle what central processing is, oi.


anyway you break beyond nato for the new age.

an age of citizen rights.and the CPU is not that CPU.

A crappy old reflash was just NATO. I think could get better than that for a clean one. ie, INTERDEF

Its like NATO:UN and nuh no in between like interdef for real cad parmetrics of actually controlling danger shit then no war.



So to control the information, you might have group looks vs one rep of one country, and also double reps, and they can work with clip off cams or something that you can give to some military or swap with other guys, but only if they don't beep bounce each other, of touching touching them together or near before trying to swap them.

Something like that.


Hold on:

the thing is that they all have ID cards, all the generals as they go to the trips, and you use group field trips vs double rep ones, and with touch swap info cards, (or hey might be magnetically shielded even), but they touch together if you open some slot or whatever, to transfer info to another general)

and the symmetry of the group trips vs the two person trips is meant to sort out the WMD stuff, somehow.


I don't know details of it. Should be mathematically computed of the possible basic math connection first as a base, then think about what you do. But theres noone controlling the thing for the generals.well never get bullshitted, and its all really very honest.


could find all possible math methods first of the generals trips, but this would just be a basic start. Then it might be about some further factor for the field trips afterwards. then could figure out the card info swapping etc


Looks out for and protects citizens despite nationality


The Interdef program can use separate defensive systems it has designed.

BUT CANNOT fire the various militaries nuke/other weapons. It can however halt the buttons, and probably various stages towards the button being used, which are step1,2,3 that they have. or can shut off various functions of the nuclear systems remotely also.(which I don't know about,but yeh).

Interdef is meant to be from NOT A COUNTRY. Ie. non country run. Is an international entitiy, and has no basis or control from countries of any type, and is run free for generals developing responsibility for WMD devices, which cyberwar also is part of poss done last, dunno.

everything is always from the US right, so never come hither. This is meant to be full on just full international.


I was wondering how it might work. There could be PLL type systems, or at least the security is designed off this type of communications correctness, but the PLL theory might come out to real life and even through manual systems of people as well, so it becomes as safe as possible, but sort of might have PLL communications CAD, and all systems are checked even manual of talking by phone, or even travelling of the tech reps, so that

things are done very carefully.

But like a global PLL theory communications CAD thing would be good, for things get ever closer, as the cad cells or fields are filled in, and all systems get checked. Its just a method from electronics ideas, based upon that. (keep an open mind though about other ideas to be be brainstormed too).

Rule 3

Technician people have to be out at the various militaries, who are from interdef

to make sure no tampering is occurring.

Rule 4

Might be a pairing system for reps going to other militaries, so one from one, and one from another



maybe all other reps  plus the one from that country goes to that countries military

to check out their systems.



a combination


Enrolment and risk of de-enrolement for nefarious means

Perhaps all countries could be auto-enrolled as members upon startup.

It just depends on who turns up. But it is meant to be a baseline, or zero line, and despite enemies. This auto enrolement surely this is not egotistical to suppose this forward.

But of course somehow in the security system, gleaning of info for greater nuclear dis-security would need to be sorted. but am prob not supposed to mention how that works in detail. but somebody does something, and from some etheric legal thing or something of WHO does it. and very difficult stuff. Maybe the UN? The UN is meant to be a non enemy to all right. But up in the air at the moment for how it works.

Secrecy involved here only I suppose.

something agreed upon, but info gleaning non A-OK. don't do it. After people trust you, you don't, but I suppose the generic response would be anti-missile shielding global up by global vote and cash to massacre level.

(ie. very high level protection, non involving violence(for foreign language factors)) This might be pre cadded, the nefarious. (kim jong un reading this. This is not directly about you at all.No.

just things are not personal with Interdef, unlike media has been for you as of late. so yeh. I am keeping interdef like an oscilloscope zero or hope to, if they do all join. ie. turn up hopefully even by auto-enrolled.)

Don't want to get into politics. Just want the oscilloscope type of  zero, for friends and enemies,  and welcome to join it, and even belgium does, say, and make the proper organised WMD peace program.

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