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The TechnoSocialist Population 


What do we do when the population continues to increase as per happenning anyway, but worse with technosocialism probably.


My Rules:

No non mentioned activities to public

No sterilisations

Can give condoms etc

No eugenics

Nothing without consent of person and public vote


My Idea

First Idea:

The basic idea is to try to fund a molecular converter device, and get it working eventually. One days even to food creation level.

Second Idea:

Funding is automatically linked from any profits, or post technosocialist, is automatically work done to create personalised spacecraft devices, which can interconnect into space station real estate developments around the moon or wherever, possibly still in earths orbit, and by using technosocialist funding. 


If we can:

A: move

B: have needs met


we have no problem with overpopulation. So its spreadsheet locked in outgoings to these projects as you work. Yet still we will just upkeep normal condom giving for it also, and the education. But force or non mentioning is out of the question. 



I wonder if Stephen Hawking would endorse all of this stuff. He might. I mean he's been talking about humans finding other planets recently as required. And it probably is true that planets eventually become uninhabitable just over time, even by human dino death events, if not overpop.

Your ideas for depopulation or for specific projects 

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