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Here's a page of other ideas I come up with. Hopefully I haven't been DRUNK when I talk about them, and speak them clearly, but yeh other ideas I think about. I have millions

here is an interesting login ID. But this does not define me. what I mean is that I am not like that of being like that all the time. This logo means part of my life basically.

But I am actually very IQ and responsible also (and a good work ethic etc.) I know this doesn't look good. HAHA. (haha non psycho: this is a current prob in society with joke initiation/ text statements, theres probs out there for language statements, and emoticons are not language structured, just smile basic emotion crap. nothing complex, def not oxford)

Random text

Cancer therapy( but may interfere with their test processes)


Idea is that usual carcinogens are dna base mimics.

Not many people think about vitamin and cofactor mimics, and I have done some Biochem papers.

I found when I had blood cancer, that no marmite (caramelised yeast extract spread) worked, along with low gluten for guts packed up, and low BGH(cancer amper). I think vitamin mimics can help cause autoimmunity conditions too, I suppose the vit mimics in the immune cells cell cycles make them work oddly and non detect the cancers well, or normal cells.


It does work, but all it really does is put cancer on pause, well it worked for my type of cancer. If you change the diet back, the cancer will probably come back, but I dunno it gives you a lifetime to appreciate rice milk and things like that instead.


Prob all carcinogens as mimics are about mimicking the workings of cell "cyclics" the ring/kekule type molecules in vitamins, dna, and cofactors.

Cyclics run everything. 


(but its also good to recall trace elements as compared to this stuff, to be unbiased about the cyclics reactions.  the traces in the d block at least  could be sort of atomic cyclics in that the d blocks are req for good cell cycling, and would need to be thought about also, whilst analysing.

Might be water hexahydrates and all sorts for the body's water transistor, for the traces being invert cyclics(hey vs the usual carbon ring, and would not prob really look like a ring at all poss, and yet still could be happenning in the water millileu).


But after that, imagine if you could say everything was about cyclics in water as well as in carbon. They might have a computer analogy, these cyclics, like ram/rom/storage elements, don't know that much about computers to say for sure.

Maybe for these kekules, are like angular momentum comparitors, and they can feel their environment.

so then you might say that vitamins etc. can feel, in an even simpler feeling system than water floppy proteins in viruses.

MRS GREN. (kidding).


Post Addition:

After getting scurvy(well possibly) and after my blood cancer had been put on pause, one day I drank a litre of OJ and some cheap perk coffee, and soon after I felt wierd, and I felt a ball in one of my veins, a stroke blockage.

I had to chase it down my leg, and tried to squash it before it went back to my brain, but I think I only semi squashed it. It had the same rubberyness as the vein itself, and was very difficult to crush, even with high pin point finger pressure of say 50kg pressure. So I think the caffeine and the ascorbic acid combine under gut HCl. And either the body is so super keen in scurvy to uptake vit c that it uptakes this instead, or my blood cancer polyps on pause, at low levels got rubberised and coagulated into a ball from this caffeine ascorbate molecule(but poss the carcinogen hit from burnt coffee beans, as one sci bias)

But I think this will be important for you, if you have the same condition as I did, are trying my cancer pausing therapy and wish to survive longer than 5 minutes.

I no longer drink caffeine, and never with vit c at the same time. By the way, I did repeat this, and I got the same polyp effect I had to chase a second time, at a different time months apart, by accident, and is one of the reasons I started thinking about Hcl reacted double vit theory/cnc vitamin toolheads theory, and to also think that the caffeine ascorbate is a stroke causing molecule, and cell vulcaniser. I assume it sticks into cell membranes and turns cells to basically rubber bouncy balls, instead of having flowing lipids.

There is more text below as well about this cnc toolheads/double vits theory.

I also recommend low gluten, more fruit, no sulphites, no nitrites(these could be combining with methane to make micro cyanide possibly)

And eat lots of protein, including trace element containing surimi

ps the nitrite and gluten thing, is also you help you live longer than 5 minutes, and also try double thumbing hands and massaging methane away from heart for emergencies, and practice this. and also massaging along your intestines.


Another point: sometimes i wonder if caffeine ascorbate or some other ascorbate salt is involved in sarcoma and rubbery cancers. There must be a simple difference. Poss vit c mimics/vit c salts

And a reason to worry about toolheads theory too.

Also have to be careful with that theory, a bit explained below, that imagine if it was the other way around, where you had some stomach cancer, for your HCl increases, to destroy it, and the side on coupling reactions are actually the cancer reactions, even of double vitamins, but the stomach cancer makes it a chain reaction of too high HCL.


I know the caffeine ascorbate does do that though.


Interesting generic cell gas type idea to make it even more confusing:


do you think there could be nacl in the cell millileus, cause then if some transporters nick sodiums for across membranes, then there can be millileu HCl also. Some guy got a nobel many years back for finding out about the heart gas, nitric oxide.

These things could be happenning in very dilute amounts out there too, and HCl could be very interesting.




Virus brain (wierd shit)


What if the flopping in water for protein in vanderwaals, is actually braining in electromagnetic signals to the virus internals, hence, the protein fluctuations is a basic brain. and probably our human brain is totally built off a majorly advanced water FLOPS system, which is actually literally a floppy system of water flopping and changing the protein structure and flopping the protein about vs cell salts around, and the main heart/brain beat being the just random fluctuations from heat and osmotic area pressures, and just from normal IR stuff. And this sort of shit is a high coo to talk about. The protein folding problem is hard, it is never biased by the braining right? for cell ouputs and tests. but yeh its mainly a bloody hard computer problem. we def know that.

The human brain is prob def a water FLOPS system aye though. WELL I think it may have formed this way, and does still work this way in basics.

maybe call it the "H2OFLOPS"system in biology. but yeh "CYCFLOPS" as well for cyclics maybe.



I wonder if can fix the protein fold problem by sticking some multihydrate bonded chemical on the end of a nanotip, then make protein binder sheets, and then try and 5 axis cnc in the nanotech tip to the protein required, then just make a code cleared thing, for many proteins and make a basic physical bias, cause in the real world, its very to understand all the osmosis etc. but much like a very advanced calorimetric bomb for protein folding and fluctuations in a very defined physics area, and maybe could run over the whole sheet of bound proteins for some stats of the 5 cnc'ing nearing tip changes, but yeh to actually scan it, maybe is upon an led sheet say, then take spectrometry readings along with, or wouldn't really know anything at all. Has to be two systems running at once. It would be a nice generic system run for nano/biotech runs, and could become a standard check any protein system.

or might do it on glass, and with your own light zapper.

Protein Folding prob

Storage element/comparitor warfare


yeh all the natural antibiotics made by plants are prob to keep them protecting their plant nature, ie. non animal, and won't allow animal cell inversions in. def the plant doesn't want to become part animal dna.


so viral attacks are very dna controlled.


so then we get these good antibiotics right

but yeh I reckon these kekule storage elements, with chemical bonded group changes, are very much in warfare, but now you know it may be computer warfare.

cause its just all electronic chem group change-out comparitors, like for antibiotics, and whatever. Like all these cyclics are doing heavy storage element competing for the best survivors



Pheromonal aphrodisiac alignment as opposed to pure Zn element thought


well, maybe


There are global mates in paracad, and must be for the body too. 

I know the sex hormones are impt. what about the oyster/crab meat normal/surimi.


but yeh how could i ever prove it could be an anticancer global mates aligner, when it could also be trace sea elements.


I have tried zn and b6 before. It's not that flash for the immune system, prob vs surimi eat. but yeh breaking things apart sci is difficult, and can be ketosis protein cycle create for cancer control is another sci factor for biasing. from eating protein surimi.


fuck a four graph thing maybe. just eating protein when eating surimi.\a four term graph


I mean this global aligner shit could be actually true. even for auto immunity, well as long as don't do marmite. but yeh hey someone comes along and says its the trace elements, and he MAY be right. But I reckon you already did the muscarines and crap so why not aphrodesiac molecules in too, for global mating our cells, which are right down to bacterially based right evolution wise. They haven't changed. They love the aphrodesiac aligners.




Possible for cancer: (cnc vitamin toolheads theory/double vitamin theory sort of mentioned here)


how come cancer is so similar?

I was thinking on this idea i call the cnc toolheads theory for vitamins, which means vitamin c and another vitamin such as folate under HCl gut conditions can bind, and work as vitamins together. This could be a way cancer works because the vit C using cell cycles would be coupled to the say, folate using cycle(can't remember all the names, need to get out book again, but folate is def in cell division, and growth and differentiation too, but a few are)


So this coupling would be a way that cancer distiming, if considered blocks in and out of the cycles of say say tca, one citric acid in, one pyruvate out or whatever, but these double molecules might distime it by one single step, say, and well even if not, being a double vitamin, it can create coupling regulation bn two cell cycles using the two vitamins. So maybe some of the cell cycles can go sideways on also.


ALL a big theory. But it would be cool if it was true. And surely in normal organic chemistry, HCl could buffer for vit C acid binding. And this may happen in the stomach.

It is impt to remember also in any stomach cancer present, that the HCL may be odd. but yeh this is a post check.

things made outside by a drug of folic ascorbate lab made, under HCl, dunno how safe are, and yeh who knows if that sort of drug not in vivo is gonna make stomach acid go haywire or something, maybe the feedback natural is required and complex. and should use just folic acid and vit c together under acidic stomach conditions to get proper signal transduction results. But dunno yet, even if the molecule is safe, made in vitro. But these theories are like this.


But it's pretty good this as a theory.

Seems to tie in in thought realms.



Yes I do care about this.

I used to have it.

it was my cancer. Silly dicks say you should have gone to doc, but they never refresh to new data, cause they never try anything new.


The best way is not to have BGH, gluten, or caramelised yeast extract

and poss beware of yeast, say too much beer. Never have caffeine. Never mix caffeine and ascorbic acid(vit C) due to stroke potential. 

Take some seafood for trace elements. Never take drugs. Hepatitis which infects prior to schizophrenia, or cancer, can allow for an overdose from a regular dose of any drugs, pharma, or illegal, if you use those. So don't.

Realise with aromatic amino acid methylation, that the cops prob think you are taking meth, or some amphetamine, and magic mushrooms but which is really a cancer factor, where your gut methane combines with the aromatic amino acids  ie. this is the mechanism of methane psychosis, and I thought that up myself without looking up the mechanism online. So you can get screwed by cops drug tests, which THEY might lie about. Pharmas are hurting people with hep OD's and use of tranqs which THEY might lie about.

Doctors, THEY lie to save their ass.

The govt might like to say its genetic, to continue and be non liable for historic and future human rights abuses of the mentally ill.


Ideas like saying their brain is melting by schizos, is just the inner ear picking up the crushing of brain cells as ventricles expand.

sound travels well in water, the brain is 70 percent water. like with whale calls too travelling well.

Automimmunities happen from vitamin mimics, like caramelised yeast extract. Also it helps cancer grow. and the ventricles may expand due to some bacteria or virus, due to you not having some folate, vit c, some trace elements, and because the immune system cells are also using the vitamin mimics in their metabolism, rendering them unable to combat either cancer or bacteria and viruses in the ventricles.


I think the schizo performance art looking poses is from acting like a foetus. The most comforting thing you could do from being in the womb at birth, just to find mothers love again, I guess. got any mercury also in you there too.(mercuro-globin?) you certainly need no marmite, bgh, gluten, and add some folic, ascorbic, some double cat-ion soluble type mineral salts of mag most needed but ca too maybe.

eat protein lots

don't have the glutamate producing modified corn starch for the glutamate hypothesis.

low seros from your body deamplifying your encouragement due to the cancer flaw.




Also while still on gluten, caramel yeast extract, and bgh, make sure you stay the hell away from sodium nitrite in bacon and processed meat, cause can combine with methane at gut pressure to make floating microcyanide doses.

try to learn to massage methane in gut away from heart if you make a mistake. But DON'T.

Also get detoxed off mercury, if have fillings. Things can occur from being around industrial garage doors etc. and there is so much RF around now also in digital age. I got my muscles semi locked from one in auckland. captomers good.


I think the black plague may have also happenned along with mental illness outbreaks, soon after the chefs starting caramelising beer yeast tailings, in medieval times. But I haven't researched this yet, just guessing at mo'.

But I suppose the local chefs, and milk producers knew what was causing the mental illnesses but kept quiet about it. They definitely would have kept quiet about the plague.


maybe the funding has just continued from that.

but yeh the hepatitis alters in and out as infections occur and new mentally ill occur, so prob all you find is milk vendors, and caramelled yeast vendors, and the gluten for wheat farms as related to govt. funding.


As for marijuana schizophrenics, you stop so much bgh, and caramelled yeast, and gluten, and don't think people always know what you are talking about when you don't speak clearly. psychic is not reliable. you have to speak with clarity and to actually speak to explain it with your mouth for all, not half spoken in the mind, and half in speech, or people don't like it cause it feels like their brain is getting rewired to chaos. so they dislike it. noone wants their brain structure destroyed. Its lazy speech, and you need to stricken up on it, to respect others. or they feel threatened by random chaos text being slammed into them. how about some detoxing diets, less pot, take omega 3 antioxidants, etc.

It just drives people to not want to communicate with you, hence you get looks and become socially more isolated with time. and some schizophrenics end up just thinking about facial expressions etc. It is VERY important to know when you are speaking and when you are thinking. and keep these separate.

And psychic stuff is not reliable and brain testable with regular cues. so stop thinking its enough for your brain to use for a bias. Its not an ok thing to believe that's all you need.




Hopefully generic pre IQ cure for viruses.

I reckon for fixing all viruses like ebola prior to finding out how they work that could bind a binder covered nanosphere to the virus, and contains, an RF diodal molecule bound to a high explosive molecule, and many of them in the nanospheres,

then you can use an RF gun from outside after taking the nanosphere bomb drug to blow things like ebola up. I thought of this ages ago though and have tried to talk to dept.s about it.

Man it would be very cool if you could do things prior to waiting for IQ science results.

Dunno what kind of explosive though, you don't want to be poisoned from biproducts, maybe like peroxide and cornstarch sort of stuff.


Also I like the idea of holographic ultrasound added to an mri as an addition, to try and blow up the viral affected cells, but maybe along with MRI-IRHIS one for IR BURNING, while holo cancelling out the body.

but you don't want viral guts spilt elsewhere. but yeh maybe this ultrasound could even smash viral coats, or can burn a patch in the side of them. but its prob really hard, unless did it by a binder that is a burner packet maybe within one binary burn chemical with normal

use of radio-isotope stuff maybe, for targetting. so it may be just that you can do, but the tech is already there for that. then the virus might have some important protein turned carbon black on it, so can't reproduce.or any place might work. dunno. also maybe don't need the binary burn chem binder if can target well for ir holography in the mri for one atom targetted and zap it by IR. but dunno how many gamma rays you need to target stuff that accurately. one atom. might put out one gamma ray a week.

or like one atom does it once.

i dunno. there might be other spectra can use.

It just would be really good only having to know a binder when a new virus pops up like hiv did in 80's.

but it could be some new like flu ebola thing or something. So it would be good for that, and plus normal ebola now.

I reckon also for these things template parametric software, cause getting stuff around is the prob. maybe could use old decommissioned F18's and shit for delivery sometimes. But just have parametry software, for deliveries, and gps and shit then put in what you want, and can track times of delivery etc. but I mean sometimes might want 50 of these mri things for ebola.

but whatever you need can be pre template organised from parametric software, to deliver to places, and can set up something a bit more fractal or mind map looking, but prob uses spreadsheet cell excel formulae like normal. or could spread the spreadsheet thing visual over google maps. As long as got it generic first, can change what you want to deliver from this template and parametric stuff.




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